About us

About Us

T’micw-kt Cultural Services (TCS) was incorporated in 2016 by Simpcw Resources LLP and Terra Archaeology Limited. TCS has the skills, experience, and resources necessary to offer a full suite of professional archaeological and anthropological consulting services throughout British Columbia.

Simpcw Resources LLP (SRLLP) is an economic development company owned by Simpcw First Nation. SRLLP administers policies, procedures, and operational activities such as work in the natural resource sectors in Simpcwúľecw located in the North Thompson region using sustainable, environmentally, and culturally responsible methods.

Terra Archaeology Limited (Terra) conducts work at the request of First Nations, federal and provincial government agencies and ministries, private sector corporations, and private land owners. Project scope ranges from single lot developments to large, multi-year projects such as major highway and transmission corridors, mine development, pipelines, and other broad land base projects.

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We offer a hands-on project management approach and appreciate the value of in-person discussions with clients, First Nation communities, and other stakeholders whenever needed. We believe in keeping all stakeholders apprised of project progress and are available for discussions as necessary for the duration of the project.

Terra Archaeology’s senior archaeologists and managers oversee and maintain involvement in all of the archaeological services that T’micw-kt Cultural Services (TCS) provides and are available to clients, First Nations, and Archaeology Branch project officers to address any issues or questions that arise regarding a project. Our managers are responsible for the practical aspects of archaeological consulting, and are supported by crews of qualified field archaeologists, First Nations field technicians, GIS professionals, and administrative staff.