Our Services

Project Types

Archaeological impact assessments (AIAs) conducted under provincial Heritage Conservation Act permits
Archaeological overview assessments (AOAs)
Preliminary archaeological field reconnaissance (PFRs)
Archaeological excavations / systematic data recovery (SDR)
Archaeological referrals and reviews
Archaeological archival / background research
Archaeological monitoring
Informational seminars and training
Cultural aspects of environmental assessments (EAs)
Assessing the effects of resource projects on Indigenous Interests
Documenting local cultural information including traditional ecological knowledge and traditional land use activities
Determining the long-term and cumulative effects of resource projects

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Technology & Infrastructure

In addition to using state-of-the-art survey equipment and technology, T’micw-kt Cultural Services (TCS) integrates paperless data collection whenever possible. As a result, our field data is centrally stored and accessible, greatly enhancing our ability to generate interim project reports or letters immediately on completion of fieldwork, if required. TCS has the in-house capacity for all report production, GIS analysis, mapping, and data management. Special requirements of individual projects are accommodated.